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Career In BIM : A Blog About Career Opportunities For BIM


Career in BIM

For those who are just getting started in this industry, the career in BIM can seem incredibly complex. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the terminology, software packages and processes involved in creating a building. However, with a little training and practice you’ll soon learn that BIM is a powerful tool for streamlining design, engineering and construction projects. Once you understand how it works, BIM can help you get ahead in your career!

Get a degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture:

As you may have already guessed, your best bet to get started with a career in BIM is by getting a degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture. In addition to these two disciplines, there are also numerous programs that offer training in computer-aided design (CAD) and other software essential for creating models with Building Information Modeling.

You can find courses at local community colleges which teach many of the skills required for working with BIM software such as Revit and Navisworks. If you don’t have time to go back to school full-time then consider taking one or two classes at night each semester until you’ve gained enough knowledge about BIM software to start looking for jobs as an entry-level CAD technician (or something similar).

Learn computer graphics software(s) AutoCA, Revit, Rhino3D, and Visual Studio.

In order to be successful in this field, you need to be able to use computer graphics software. This means learning AutoCAD, Revit and Rhino3D.

AutoCAD is a 2D CAD software that can be used to create floor plans, elevations and sectionals in a very detailed way. It’s also good for creating 3D models from scratch but it works best with objects that already exist in the real world such as trees or buildings.

Revit is another type of BIM software which allows you to model complex shapes much more easily than AutoCAD does by using parametric objects like walls or windows instead of having to draw them individually every single time you want one on your drawing board. You can also use Revit for creating 3D models from scratch but it works best if you want something more detailed than just simple shapes like the ones mentioned above (i e trees).

Rhino3D is another type of 3D modeling program that creates polygonal meshes based on surfaces such as spheres or cylinders rather than polylines like most other CAD programs do this means that there will always be gaps between these meshes which might cause problems when trying ot export them into other formats such as VRML files so make sure not too try anything too fancy until after graduation 🙂

Learn the construction and building process.

career in BIM

If you want to be a BIM professional, it is important for you to understand the construction and building process. Doing so will help you understand what each role does in the overall process and what steps are involved in each phase of the project. These roles, which include structural engineer, MEP designer, interior designer, and more, are responsible for completing their portion of the project successfully. The construction phase can be broken down into three steps: planning (designing), fabrication (making), installation (installing).

In order for these individuals to complete their part of the job correctly and on time, they must follow certain plans or instructions given by other professionals who have already finished their own step in this process. In addition to knowing about different roles within construction projects like blueprints or drawings created by architects/designers which guide what materials need assembled where along with any other important information related specifically towards building materials being used during those phases such as size specifications needed based on room sizes etcetera so that everything fits together smoothly when put together correctly according

Design software includes MicroStation and AutoCAD.

Software for the design and documentation of buildings is known as building information modeling (BIM) software. There are a number of different programs that can be used, including:

  • MicroStation
  • AutoCAD Civil 3D (formerly Land Desktop)
  • AutoCAD Map 3D (formerly Land Desktop Map)
  • Revit Architecture, which includes Building Information Modeling capabilities in its software suite; this version is typically used by architects or architectural firms that have decided to use BIM as part of their workflow. The equivalent module for mechanical engineers and electrical engineers is called Autodesk Revit MEP, which also integrates directly with Autodesk Navisworks Manage.

Look into BIM Programs at Colleges that teach BIM software such as Revit, Navisworks, Dynamo, Grasshopper, Bluebeam, etc.

If you are looking to get into BIM, it is important that you look into programs at colleges and universities. You can also look into community colleges, trade schools and vocational schools if possible. Some of these will teach software such as Revit, Navisworks, Dynamo and Grasshopper while others may teach other BIM programs that are specific to the industry such as Bluebeam or AutoCAD 3D Max.

If there isn’t an option in your area or if you want to do it online instead of going back to school full-time, then consider taking some classes through a program like which offers courses on how to design buildings using Autodesk Revit Architecture software

The best way to get ready for a career in BIM is to learn BIM specific software such as Revit and Navisworks.

The best way to prepare for a career in BIM is to learn BIM software such as Revit, Navisworks, and other design tools. You can take courses or certifications from Autodesk or other companies that make BIM software. Many architecture schools also offer courses in these programs at various levels of difficulty.

The field of architecture is brimming with opportunities for those who have knowledge of the latest technologies including 3D modeling and visualization, information modeling using Building Information Modeling (BIM), track-based construction methods using plant management systems (PMS) and building information management systems/billing management systems/contract document production system (CDPS).

BIM: What Is It?

BIM is an abbreviation for Building Information Modeling, which is a process of using computer software to create a 3D virtual model of a building or structure. This model can be used to streamline the design and construction process by creating interconnections between the various disciplines involved in the project.

BIM can be used at all stages of construction, from concept through design and implementation. It involves all members of the project team (architects, engineers, contractors and subcontractors) throughout these phases so that everyone has access to the most current information regarding the project as it progresses.

What It Takes to Succeed in a Career in BIM

The first thing you’ll need to succeed in your career is a solid set of communication, problem solving, leadership and teamwork skills. The BIM industry demands that you can communicate effectively with management and colleagues who may have different roles from yours. You’ll also be expected to present solutions to problems confidently and creatively.

Being able to work well as part of a team is another important skill for any aspiring BIM professional. Designing buildings requires many different people with diverse skillsets; having good teamwork skills will help you work effectively with these people and ensure the project runs smoothly from start to finish.

Understanding how design thinking works will also help prepare you for a career in BIM—you’ll need this knowledge if you want your designs or models considered by clients or other stakeholders at all stages during construction (or even before). Understanding how design thinking works will give confidence when working as part of larger teams too; knowing what questions might come up during other people’s presentations will help inform how best approaching them yourself!

Developing SketchUp Skills for a Career in BIM

SketchUp is a free 3D modeling program that offers a range of features for beginners and experts alike. If you’re new to 3D modeling and want an easy way to get started, SketchUp is an excellent option. For example, because it’s simple to learn and use, you can easily create models of your designs or ideas while they’re still in their early stages. This can help speed up the design process later on when more complicated tools like AutoCAD won’t be necessary.

If you’ve already been working with CAD software or other advanced applications before deciding to explore careers in BIM (for example, if you’re already interested in architecture), then SketchUp might not seem like the right choice for your career path. However, if this is all new territory for you—or even if it isn’t—we think that learning how to use SketchUp could be extremely valuable down the road as a career progresses toward higher levels of responsibility within the industry.”

Develop Technical Skills and Knowledge

  • Knowledge of construction materials, building systems and processes.
  • Knowledge of CAD software, BIM tools and construction methods.
  • Knowledge of construction management processes (e.g., scheduling, cost estimation).
  • Knowledge of construction project management.

Develop Business and Management Skills

The business and management skills that you’ll need to succeed in the world of BIM are easier to learn than you might think. You can start by learning how to present yourself. Presenting yourself is about more than just your clothes and how you hold yourself; it also involves developing an understanding of your own strengths, weaknesses and personality type. Once you know these things, it will be much easier for others to understand who you are as a person and how best they can work with or around that knowledge when communicating with you on a professional level.

You should also learn how to communicate effectively with other people: both verbally and non-verbally (through body language). In particular, good communication skills are essential when working within teams or groups because they allow everyone involved in a project together often work better together if they have clear expectations from each other beforehand – which leads me onto my next point…

Make Connections

Networking is important, and it’s not just for young professionals. It can be an efficient way to make connections with people in BIM who have similar experiences or goals. It can also help you build a network of contacts that will be useful later when you need advice or support—not just information, but potentially even money or equipment. For example: if you’re working on your own project and need funding, having someone in your network who knows how grant applications work may be very helpful.

One way that BIM professionals tend to network is through social media channels like Twitter and LinkedIn (which are linked here). In addition, local meetings about design software like AutoCAD are often a good place for networking because they attract people who use these tools professionally; this means there’s more overlap between their interests and yours than at an average conference event where attendees aren’t necessarily familiar with each other’s workflows and specialties

Prepare for a Career in BIM with SketchUp Training

If you are interested in a career in BIM, it’s important that you learn the basics of SketchUp. This is because SketchUp is a great tool for creating 3D models and visualizations. It’s also a good way to learn CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and BIM software like Revit or ArchiCAD.

If you want to get started with SketchUp, take our free 30 day trial or sign up for an Intro class!

There are many career paths that demand BIM skills. Be proactive and get the training you need to make yourself stand out.

There are many career paths that demand BIM skills. Be proactive and get the training you need to make yourself stand out.

BIM is an exciting field that continues to grow in popularity, and it’s easy to see why: The average salary for a BIM professional is higher than for other professions, and the demand for such professionals is increasing rapidly. In addition, if you’re interested in becoming a project manager or building engineer, then there’s no better way to do so than by learning how to use Revit effectively as part of your daily workflow!


BIM is a huge industry and will continue to grow throughout the next decade. There are many career paths that demand BIM skills. Be proactive and get the training you need to make yourself stand out.

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Eric Tan
Eric Tan

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