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Why Is Skilled Manpower Important For Development?

Skilled manpower is an important component of any society and economy. It is a tool to bridge the gap between scarcity of resources and rapid increase in population, Allowing for better standards of living and quality of life. 

When we talk about developing a country, it is not a matter of just launching infrastructure projects and industrial complexes. There is one more thing which is as important and that is the human resources. In this article, we are going to discuss about why skilled manpower is important for economic development. 

What do you mean with skilled manpower? 

Skilled manpower is the backbone of any developing economy. It is the skilled workforce that drives economic growth and development. 

There are many factors that contribute to the development of a country. However, the most important factor is the quality of its human resources or workforce. A country’s workforce determines its productive capacity and competitiveness in the global market. 

A skilled workforce is essential for a country to develop its economy and compete in the global market. Skilled workers are those who have the knowledge and expertise to perform their jobs effectively. They are able to use their skills to produce goods and services that are in demand in the market. 

Skilled workers are an important asset for any economy because they help to drive economic growth and development. When a country has a large number of skilled workers, it is able to produce more goods and services, which leads to economic growth. In addition, skilled workers help to improve the quality of products and services, which makes a country more competitive in the global market. 

The importance of having a skilled workforce cannot be understated. Skilled workers are essential for driving economic growth and development. They help to improve productivity, quality, and competitiveness, which are all necessary for success in the global market 

Why is skilled manpower important? 

Skilled manpower is important for development because it is necessary for the growth and expansion of businesses and industries. It enables businesses to produce goods and services efficiently and effectively, which in turn leads to economic development. 

Skilled workers are also important for the development of new technologies and processes. They contribute to innovation and help businesses stay competitive. In addition, skilled manpower helps countries develop their human capital, which is essential for long-term economic growth. 

How can we increase the skilled manpower in developing countries? 

skilled manpower

One of the most important factors in development is having a skilled workforce. A skilled workforce is able to produce more and better goods and services, which leads to higher living standards and economic growth. 

There are a number of ways to increase the skilled workforce in developing countries. One way is to invest in education and training. This can be done by the government, businesses, or NGOs. Another way is to create incentives for people to acquire skills, such as through apprenticeship programs or financial assistance for attending training programs. 

businesses should also look at their own policies and see if there are ways to increase the number of employees with the necessary skills. For example, they could provide on-the-job training or offer financial assistance for employees to take skill-building courses. 

It is important to note that increasing the skilled workforce is not only about improving economic outcomes; it is also about giving people the opportunity to lead better lives. Investing in human capital is essential for ensuring that all members of society can participate in and contribute to economic activity. 

Future of Manpower 

The future of manpower is important for development because it ensures that the right people are in place to do the work that needs to be done. With the right skills and training, people can be more productive, efficient, and effective at their jobs. This can lead to better outcomes for businesses and society as a whole. In order to ensure that the workforce is prepared for the future, it is important to invest in skill development and training. By doing so, businesses and organizations can ensure that they have the right people in place to meet the demands of the future. 


From the above discussion, it is evident that skilled manpower is important for development. A country cannot develop without skilled manpower because they are the ones who provide quality services and products. They are also the ones who contribute to the economy through their taxes. Moreover, skilled manpower is also important for social stability and peace. 

It is evident that skilled manpower is important for development, both in terms of economic growth and social progress. A nation with a large pool of skilled workers is better placed to take advantage of opportunities for development and to meet the challenges of a changing world. Investing in the education and training of its people is therefore essential for any country that wants to improve its chances of success in the 21st century. 

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Eric Tan
Eric Tan

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