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How To Start A Contract Manpower Supply Business

Contract Manpower

Finding ways to start a contract manpower supply business is not always easy because that industry has a lot of regulations in place. In this blog article, you will learn what it takes to start your own contract manpower supply company and why this type of business might suit your lifestyle. 

What is A Contract Manpower Supply Business? 

A contract manpower supply business provides staffing services to clients on a contractual basis. This type of business typically supplies workers to businesses that do not have the time or resources to find and train employees themselves. Contract manpower supply businesses are responsible for sourcing, screening and hiring workers for their clients. They may also provide training and development services to their employees. 

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about starting a contract manpower supply business. First, you’ll need to have a strong understanding of the labor market and the types of workers your clients will need. You’ll also need to build up a network of reliable and reputable contractors that you can rely on to provide quality staffing services. Finally, you’ll need to develop systems and processes for sourcing, screening, and hiring workers efficiently and effectively. 

Why Start a Contract Manpower Supply Business? 

There are many reasons to start a contract manpower supply business. First and foremost, this type of business provides a much needed service to businesses and organizations that need extra help with staffing. By starting your own contract manpower supply business, you can be the one to provide this valuable service. 

Another reason to start a contract manpower supply business is that it can be quite profitable. If you are able to land contracts with large companies or organizations, you can stand to make a significant amount of money. This type of business also has low overhead costs, which means that you can keep more of the profits for yourself. 

Finally, starting a contract manpower supply business is a great way to be your own boss and build something from scratch. If you are entrepreneurial and driven, this could be the perfect opportunity for you. You will have the chance to build your business exactly how you want it and you will reap all of the rewards if it is successful. 

What are the Requirements for Starting a Contract Manpower Supply Business? 

To start a contract manpower supply business, you will need to have a commercial space that meets the requirements of the Ministry of Manpower. This includes having a minimum of two separate rooms for storing documents and housing staff, as well as an office space. You will also need to have a registration certificate from the Registrar of Companies. In addition, you will need to obtain a business license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Finally, you will need to put down a deposit with the Public Works Authority. 

What are the Business Tax Obligations for a Contract Manpower Supply Business? 

When you start a contract manpower supply business, you become responsible for a range of business taxes. The tax obligations for a contract manpower supply business can be divided into three main categories: federal taxes, state taxes, and local taxes. 

Federal Taxes 

As a contract manpower supply business, you will be required to pay federal income taxes on your profits. You will also need to pay payroll taxes on the wages you pay your employees. In addition, you may be required to pay other federal taxes, such as excise taxes and import duties. 

State Taxes 

In addition to federal taxes, you will also need to pay state taxes. The amount of state tax you owe will depend on the state in which your business is located. You will likely need to pay state income tax, sales tax, and unemployment insurance tax. 

Local Taxes 

You may also be required to pay local taxes, such as property tax and business license fees. The amount of local tax you owe will depend on the locality in which your business is located. 

How do you Apply to Qualify For Operation of a Contract Manpower Supply Business? 

Contract Manpower

Individuals who wish to apply to qualify for operation of a Contract Manpower Supply Business must submit an application to the appropriate licensing authority. The application must include: 

 1. The applicant’s name, address, and telephone number; 

 2. The business name and address; 

 3. A description of the business activities; 

 4. The names and addresses of all owners, partners, officers, and directors of the business; 

 5. The length of time the applicant has been engaged in the business of supplying manpower services; 

 6. The number of employees which the applicant currently has on staff providing manpower services; and 

 7. Any additional information which the licensing authority may require. 

Measures Of Success 

There are a few measures of success for a contract manpower supply business. The first and most important measure is profitability. A successful business is one that generates enough revenue to cover its costs and then some. Another important measure is growth. A business that is consistently growing year over year is considered successful. Finally, another measure of success is customer satisfaction. A business that has happy customers who come back time and again is considered successful. All three of these measures are important when assessing the success of a contract manpower supply business. 


A contract manpower supply business can be a very lucrative endeavor, but it is important to do your research and plan carefully before getting started. This type of business requires a good deal of paperwork and compliance with government regulations, so be sure to consult with an experienced business lawyer before getting started. With careful planning and execution, you can build a successful contract manpower supply business that will provide valuable services to businesses in your area. 

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Eric Tan
Eric Tan

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